Monday, December 13, 2010

My 12 days of christmas gifts.

      With 12 days until Christmas I've decided to share with you my 12 gifts to the world. Now I'm not going to give you all world peace and puppies, that's not only too obvious but it's no fun at all, is it? So here it is my 12 days of Christmas.

12 A Christmas carol sung by Neil Patrick Harris and Felicia Day so the rest of the world can enjoy their true talents. (Anyone who hasn't seen it, MUST see Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. I'd give it to you as a gift but hell, it's free on Netflix).

11 Puppies... OK I lied everyone should know the joy of a puppy.

10 Nicolas cage and John Travolta retiring...from everything!

09 A collective bargaining Agreement between NFL owners and players so we can avoid a lockout.

08 The end of reality television. It shall end with a bang though as the Kardashians and the cast of Jersey Shore are tortured and executed for our Christmas viewing enjoyment, On Fox of course.

07 The joy of reading. Reading is one of the simplest and greatest pleasures, I wish everyone could realize it. Besides a world of readers is an educated world, and that's a great thing.

06 Great I need to explain?

05 A sense of humor. If you can't take a know the rest. This world has become so "PC" so litigious and so bitter it really needs this one as well as #6. Hell combine the last three and maybe world peace would be possible.

04 Clean Sheets. Oh come on who doesn't love clean sheets?

03 Penguins!

02 A magic elixir that removes calories from ANYTHING.

01 Instead of universal health care I give the gift of universal health.

Cheers and happy holidays I hope you all enjoy your gifts. :)