Thursday, March 17, 2011

Twitter dee and Twitter dumb, and Erin Go Bragh

      I once said that social media is so prevalent and accessible that even cave dwelling hermits have gotten chatty, I'm living proof of that but I admit my cave is fairly well furnished. Against my better judgment I got involved or dragged into few different platforms including this blog, Facebook, and Stumbleupon, but lately Ive been having some fun with Twitter.
      I originally joined Twitter only to follow tweets for a alternate reality game attached to the upcoming The Secret World MMO. I soon found some interesting bits that kept me coming back. I love the fact that I get immediate updates from places like CNN and Deadline Hollywood but the fun is getting to see celebrities at their best and worst. Not long after signing up I was witness to an argument between Nathan Fillion and Simon Pegg over who had the better spaceship The Serenity or The Enterprise, and after not being able to settle it they decided on a drinking contest instead. Yeah I was a little hooked right there, my geek blood boiled...and it was obviously Serenity...what? rogue, scoundrel, and smuggler beats government issue stuffiness any day at least in the cool department..
      I've been privy to arguments between The Guild creator Felicia Day and her own alter ego Delicia Fay who seems bent on destroying Felicia. Yes, Celebrities arguing with themselves let's me know that they aren't much different than me.
      I was there when Ashton Kutchers I mean Demi Moore posted her sexy pictures as a response to tabloids stories of Ashton's infidelities and I received notice from Daniel Craig the moment the deal was Struck for the new James Bond film even before the news was on line. To me that stuff is pretty neat.
      On the other hand I now know WAY too much about some celebrities pets. I mean I adore Julie Benz but I think I now know enough to take her dog to the vet for her, she refused to let me though, something about a restraining order.
      I was also there the first hour that Charlie Sheen started his Twitter account and promptly lost his mind on it. Yup, I was there from the beginning re-posting to Facebook all his Tiger blood, Adonis DNA, warlock watch wearing tweets and was part of his Guinness book of world record- Quickest to 1 million followers run. Funny enough That's actually the second world record I've been a part of. Despite my wife's input the first had nothing to do with Guinness Beer, Chicken Wings, AMP energy drinks or even the amount of times I've watched the entire run of Firefly, it was actually for a giant pillow fight, unfortunately it had nothing to do with the ones in my fantasies.
      I've also gotten some great updates and insights from professional athletes, apparently when they are off the field they do other stuff, and a small portion of it doesn't even include strip clubs. I've gotten to see That In real life LaMarr Woodley is a damn nice guy, and in real life Chad "Ochocinco" Johnson is still an idiot. But best of all, I've gotten to have some great exchanges with some amazing authors that I respect. As a writer Its inspiring to talk to others who are already where you want to be, that would apply to anyone who was able to speak with people who have made it in the business that they love...and that explains why my brother's Twitter feed is nothing but porn stars.
      So as I said I have a Twitter account, it gives me a chance to express myself 140 characters at a time. I get to tell my modest but growing group of followers intimate details about my life (even some dirty ones...if that will inspire you to follow me) I get to throw random thoughts and jokes at the wall and never worry what sticks. And I get to post ridiculous stuff that even I regret after one too many beers. I know a lot of people are still put off by Twitter and that's fine, this includes my grandfather who can't remember it's name and calls it pooper, on the 'puter but where else can you find a bible quote tweeted from a drunken B list comedian while he's at a strip club and signed with the hash tag #JesusDrankMyBeer ?

Happy St. Patrick's Day whether your Irish, or just Irish for the day.
      It's the middle of the week so I'm sure most of you won't be partying...until you call in sick. Enjoy the green beer and the green pee that follows. The worst part of which is getting so drunk you forget the beer was green and start freaking out in the bathroom.
      Order yourselves up some Irish Car Bombs, and Black and Tan's. Drink all the Guinness and Harp that you can stand. Scream the words to every great Irish song they play, for despite the joy that is March 17th its on the 18th you'll surely pay.

When we drink, we get drunk.
When we get drunk, we fall asleep.
When we fall asleep, we commit no sin.
When we commit no sin, we go to heaven.
So, let's all get drunk, and go to heaven!

May you alway walk in sunshine.
May you never want for more.
May Irish angels rest their wings right beside your door.

Here's to our wives and girlfriends: May they never meet! Now I'm gonna go listen to some Dropkick Murphy's and have a Guinness for you all, may your glasses stay full and your spirits never fall.



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