In honor of today being the start of pre-season football I've decided to do my Facebook Fanpage daily updates as a post. Mostly because this weeks sports news lends itself to some sarcasm. I know this isn't my normal kind of post here but I felt like doing something a little different today feel free to comment and tell me how much you hate it.
Today kicks off pre-season football with the annual Hall of Fame Game. This years game could be played in San Quentin instead of Canton, Ohio since it features the Dallas Cowboys versus the Cincinnati Bengals. Two of the teams with the longest police blotters in the history of the NFL.
The Dallas Criminals errr Cowboys history of criminal activity started in 1970 when Lance Rentzel was arrested for indecent exposure for exposing himself to a 10 year old. He did this while he was married to famed sex symbol Joey Heatherton one of the most beautiful woman on the planet at the time. The Cowboys arrests continued through fullback Deon Anderson's arrest this year for deadly conduct for threatening a restaurant employee with a gun.
Other Cowboy infractions include DOZENS of drug, DUI and weapons charges. Several arrests for beating woman. There was also a few other incidents involving sexual assault and abuse of children including Rafael Septian pleading guilty to a LESSER charge of aggrivated child molestation of a 10 year old he had been accused of sleeping with. Septian's punishment was a $2000, fine not prison. The judge was a fan. Not to mention the vehicular manslaughter of two people trying to pull a driver from a burning vehicle on the side of a Dallas freeway,. I guess Dwayne Goodrich couldn't see the burning car until his BMW hit it at 110 mph, he of course fled the scene. There is not one BUT TWO cases of different Cowboy players stealing their OWN mothers life savings and many, and MANY more incidents. America's Team? Yeah I guess it's a good thing that they gave themselves that moniker isn't it.
Cincinnati though leads the league over the last 10 years with 32 arrests in that time span. That's right 32! In the last ten years, BAD KITTIES, No super bowl for you, followed by Minnesota with 30.
His father Dwayne was quoted "There ain't no other sponsor come along I feel comfortable with."
it's my first time reading you. my sister found your blog. are you Jim Rome? saying the stuff on your blog that you used to say on radio, but now you're a nicer, more "neutral" host and won't say that stuff anymore that used to really belittle those dumass athletes? I love your stuff, man, whoever you are. keep it coming! "GOOD NITE NOW!"
Haha no I'm not Rome, but thanks, and thanks for taking the time to read and comment. It's greatly appreciated.
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