Thursday, June 3, 2010

Children are a blessing...?!

    For those of you who ONLY have very young children my take on things may seem a little on the mean side. Suffice it to say you need to hold your criticisms until your children are fully immersed in the school experience and feel the need to develop their own unique and adversarial personalities. At that point come back and we will talk.
    Don't get me wrong I love kids, mine and rug rats in general especially up until say six or seven years old. Kids are great fun, they give you a reason to act immature and silly, they laugh at your worst jokes, they can grab you another beer when the game is in OT and you can't (won't) get up.
   Just keep in mind that these same little darlings that bring joy and tears of happiness at birth will surely bring you sleepless nights and migraines as well. Fear not though, finding that you are suddenly going through antacids like my son does cell phone minutes is a good sign that as a parent you care enough to worry yourself sick.
    So while you can, make sure to revel in the simple beautiful pleasures that the first trip to the zoo, peekaboo, and nap time can bring, they are gone and forgotten by your kids way too soon, and then all they remember is how you ruined their life by buying them Tommy Hilfiger instead of Aeropostale.


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